Charlotte (a brilliant Alyla Browne) lives with her mother Heather (Penelope Mitchell), stepfather Ethan (Ryan Corr), and her newborn baby brother. She comes across the titular spider while rooting through her grandmother’s...
“Something in the Water” belongs with that subset of shark horrors such as “The Reef” and “Open Water,” where, due to an accident of some kind, the characters are left stranded in a stretch of water...
Never pick up a hitch hiker is the advice given to young Jim Halsey (C. Thomas Howell) when he finds John Ryder (Rutger Hauer) walking in the rain...
Given the sheer importance of sound and music to horror as a genre, you'd think there would be more films that concentrate more on them. However, stepping up to try and level the playing field is Irish filmmaker Paul Duane, whose picture "All You Need Is Death&